Saturday 4 February 2012

[Creative] Amazing drawing by using finger

Normally we saw an artist draw or sketch using a paint brush, pen or pensil. But this man has use a different way to create his amazing landscape picture by using his fingers. Fabian Gaete Maureira, from chile, paints 'fingerscape' images containing mountains, waterfalls. trees and sunsets without picking up a paint brush. 

He only took three minutes to create an amazing landscape picture despite using nothing but his finger. Instead he simply dips his fingers in paint and then applies it directly to sheets of glass rather than canvas. With this skill,He become an online hit. 

For me, this is super awesome, fast and unique skill. He's talented, the picture look alive. And he can made a profit with his painting. Great job Mr Fabian Gaete Maureira.


Zam said...

terbang melayang dr fb & mendarat kat sini :)

jemput singgah ke blog Zam ;)

daskan said...

jauh tu terbang, haha. orait :)