Saturday 17 March 2012

[Random] Pidato Antarabangsa 2012 (video)

Actually i am not really interested with pidato or poem. Even i am a malaysian, but still don't know how to reading poem or 'berpidato'. But after i watch 'Pertandingan Pidato Antarabangsa' on Tv1 (Unbelievable, i'm watching TV1) i see, there's a people from other country are able to speak malay and do pidato very well. I'm kinda proud with them and shame on me cause they doing well while i'm not. 

The pidato's competitors are from Germany, Afghans, Jepun, Indonesia, Malaysia, and many more.
The winner are Sebghatullah from Afghans. He should deserve it because he's unique and he know a song from Jamal Abdillah 'Siapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan', The audience are enjoy and they sing along with Sebghatulllah.

And the other reasons why i like to watch Pidato Antarabangsa, The Chicas!
Girl from other country like Germany, Australia and Latvia, they are beautiful with kebaya and songket. I'm sure, our PM and other Audience has fall in love while watching them performing and wishing to have them as a 'Menantu'. LOL.

You can see others video on Youtube

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